Cloud Features

Hero Internet has an incredibly powerful and rich featureset which is available to all accounts free of charge. One thing that sets us apart from the competition is that we never charge for our features, even on our free plans. So you can be sure that the price you pay each month gives you full access to all of our features. Below are some of the features available on our Cloud PBX Service

Manage my calls

Do not disturb
Call Screening
Caller ID Rejection
Pin code authorization
Call pickup
One number
Alternate Caller ID
Speed Dial
Internet Voicemail

Forward my calls

Call Forward Unavailable
Call Forward Busy
Call Forward Always
Call forward unreachable
Simultaneous Ring

Call Centre

Hunt Groups
Call queuing
Reception Console
Auto Attendant
Call Recording
AI Call Transcriptions
Sentiment Analysis
Extension dialing
Geographic Routing
Call Transfer


Throw away your fax machine
Fax to email
Email to Fax
Send and receive as Tiff or PDF files
Allow multiple senders per line
Distribute to multiple email addresses

Video Conferencing

High Definition Video Conferencing
Web collaboration with whiteboard
Audio conference bridge
Web Browser based (no downloads)
Conference menu control features
Conferencing recording options
Toll Free, Local & Global options

Account Customisation

Web based management and admin
Real time provisioning and CDR
White label options for end users
Custom Ringing and Hold Music
Remote Dialtone and Callback
Hi-def Voice and Video Calling
Time Schedules