Hero Internet has a list of contact phone numbers and email addresses that can be used in the event of a network outage or problem with our main contact channels.

We ask that you use our main phone number 0800 YOUR HERO (or 09 242 0001) or email support@hero.co.nz initially and then only escalate to our other contact details if necessary outlined below.

Physical Contact Address

Hero Internet Ltd
Company number: 6906473
Level 4,
220 Queen Street,
Auckland 1010,
New Zealand

Phone Support

If you need to contact us urgently by phone you can reach us on 0800 YOUR HERO (0800 968 743) or +64 9 242 0001 from overseas.

If for some reason you are unable to conact us on our main number then dial 0800 119769. This number is hosted on a different network and will forward to our oncall engineer. If you are unable to reach us then it may be that we taking other calls so please leave us a message and we will return your call ASAP