"Power up your phone system and enrich customer interactions seamlessly"

Zoho offers software to help you grow your business. With over 60 million users worldwide, Zoho's products aid your sales and marketing, support and collaboration, finance and recruitment needs.

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Hero Internet has developed an innovative solution to integrate your phone system with the Zoho platform helping your sales and support teams handle calls more effectively. Your users can manage all of their call-related activities inside Zoho and enrich customer interactions seamlessly through call notifications, click to dial and call recording integration features. Our Zoho Integration service is completely free of charge to all Hero Internet customers and setup is fully automated inside our customer portal.

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Below are the key features offer by our Zoho Integration service

Click to Dial

Call your customers and leads directly within Zoho with a single click using the Click to Dial feature. Our system will automatically bridge your existing Phones or Voice Applications to the selected number avoiding the hassles of handling multiple screens or devices when handling a call. This will improve your productivity and simplify the sales and support process for your staff.

Screen pop-ups for calls

Receive screen pop-ups for incoming and outgoing calls to know who is calling you or being called. The pop-ups in Zoho provide detailed information and contextual access to the historical interactions with the contact. This will result in quality interactions and more preparedness for your staff. New callers can be saved as contacts or leads and you can also add call actions such as follow-up tasks instantly.

Automatic call logs

All incoming and outgoing call activities are logged automatically inside the Zoho platform. Instead of having to keep track of your phone interactions separately you can keep track of everything in the Zoho screens. As well as answered calls the platform will also keep track of missed calls and failed or busy calls as well for you. Zoho also provide powerful reports and analytics.

Call Recording Integration

Hero Internet provides a powerful and completely free cloud based call recording service with any Cloud line or extension. Our Zoho Integration service also allows you to access these recordings directly inside the Call log screens in Zoho. If a call has been recorded an option will appear in Zoho to playback the call again. Long term recording storage is also available.

Cloud PBX Integration

Hero Internet provide a powerful Cloud based PBX with advanced features such as queues, auto attendants, hunt groups, call recording and much more. We offer free apps for iPhone, Android, Windows and Mac Desktops which seamlessly integrate with the Zoho platform. Combining our Cloud PBX with the powerful Zoho platforms can help transform your business interactions.

Simple setup and free trial

Our Zoho integration service is completely free of charge and very simple to setup yourself in our customer portal. All you need to do is login to our customer portal and then activate the Zoho Phone Bridge service and configure the click to dial and notification settings for your users. Hero Internet also offers a free 1 month trial to try our services before committing.

Example Screenshots

Click to Dial Widget

Screen Popups during calls

Detailed Call Logs in Zoho

Call recording integration inside Zoho